Searching for You on Craigslist

October 27, 2015  •  2 Comments

So one time about 3 years ago, after I had officially opened the doors of J. Hayhurst Photography, I was trying hard to build up my client list. I tried Facebook and that worked pretty well. I tried word-of-mouth and that was OK too. In one probably poorly executed but optimistic venture, I posted a listing for my sessions on Craigslist. Yup, Craigslist. Thankfully, I wasn't murdered in my sleep. And even better, I gained what would be become one of most loyal and most fun families; we shall call them the H family.


The H family just welcomed a new baby to the fam this past year so we started our session at their house and did some lifestyle portraits in Maeve's room. Look at those shoes! And those beautiful eyes! In-home, lifestyle portraitsHere's a collage of Miss Meave and her hot pink shoes!


After that, we headed to Museum Beach in Scituate. The sun was bright and the wind was strong but we had lots of fun walking around. At one point, Teagan's mom Liz said, "Teags, show Jamie your sassy pose"! And this is the magic that ensued......Silly, yes. Fun, you know it! And I'm actually loving the one on the right. Teags is WORKING the camera, looking right into my photographic soul.

Work it, Teags!


Of course we got a handful of sweet siblings photos. Maeve was a rockstar! No back arching, no fussing. She was just happy to be held by her big sis.


Teagan & I took a stroll to look at rocks and hermit crabs. We made use of the gorgeous light & Teagan's long hair.


So here's to families you meet on Craigslist that don't steal your personal identity and even better, add you to their yearly Christmas card list. Now that's love.



I love your funny but, serious tone. Great story...I'm going over to Craigslist now! Xo
Jessica @ Little Nesting Doll(non-registered)
Great photos, and adding a Golden Girls gif automatically makes any blog post 100x better :)
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